Landscaping with native plants can help stabilize the soil and protect water quality. Dig it: Trees and other plants are nature’s water purifiers. Their roots prevent erosion. And when it rains, they slow runoff, so it filters into the ground. But when landscaping for clean water, not all plants are equal. Cheryl Nenn of Milwaukee …
Tag Archive: native plants
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Apr 06
Greener Gardens for the Win
Wanna nip gardening pollution in the bud? For tips on growing a truly green garden—listen up: If you grow your own flowers and vegetables, you’re probably eager to dig in already. But give yourself a moment to consider that how you garden affects water quality—especially when the fertilizers and chemicals enter storm drains or groundwater …
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Dec 19
Does Your Garden “Grow” Clean Water?
Rain gardens rock at capturing and slowing rainwater, allowing it to seep slowly into the ground so pollutants can be filtered out. Dig it: Rain is a good thing, right? Right—except for when it runs right off the land, picking up pollution all along the way. When fertilizers, herbicides, and oils are carried through drains …
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Dec 18
Praise for Native Grassland Prairies
Native prairie grasses aren’t just pretty—they also improve water quality across the Midwest. Listen up: How do we love native grassland prairies? Let us count the ways—or at least, let us recount the number one water-related way: When restored, native grassland prairies can improve water quality big-time, and help prevent erosion during heavy rains. Once …
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Sep 27
Yardwork Is for the Birds
Landscaping with native plants is a win for birds and water quality alike. Listen up, peeps: Think yardwork is for the birds? You could be right—depending on what’s growing. Plants have evolved over time to thrive in their native region. The temperature, rainfall, even nutrients in the soil are exactly what they need. Indian grass, …
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