Every day, about 20 million gallons of oil travel through an underwater pipeline at the narrow passage that connects lakes Michigan and Huron. “There’s a lot of concern that this line could rupture,” says Mike Shriberg of the National Wildlife Federation, which helps organize the Great Lakes Business Network. It’s a coalition of more than …
Tag Archive: Nature Conservancy
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/toxic-contamination/oil-and-water-in-the-straits-of-mackinac/
Feb 01
Restoring Great Lakes Wetlands
Lakeshore marshes and meadows create wildlife habitat and provide benefits to people, too … Howe: “Filtering your water, absorbing high water during flooding events, providing more fish and wildlife experiences for people.” Jim Howe directs the Nature Conservancy of Central and Western New York. He says maintaining these ecosystems requires occasional fluctuations in water level. …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/stormwater-management/restoring-great-lakes-wetlands/
Dec 26
Ditch Switch – When Two Really Is Better Than One
Not all ditches are created equal! Ditches with two tiers can help prevent erosion and flooding, which is awesome. Listen up: Most farms need ditches to keep soil drained and crops thriving—but conventional tactics can lead to erosion, pollution, and flooding downstream. Enter two-stage ditches. These ditches include a deep trench flanked by flat, vegetated …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/stormwater-management/ditch-switch-when-two-really-is-better-than-one/