Category Archive: Sustainable Fisheries

Apr 15

A state that takes trout fishing seriously

More than a hundred years ago, Pennsylvania started raising trout in hatcheries and releasing them in state waters. Today, more than four million adult trout are released each year. Gary Smith of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission says, “The primary purpose of our stocked trout program is to provide recreation for our anglers.” So he …

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Mar 27

So many fish, so little lake

Lake Erie has only about two percent of the water in the Great Lakes… But roughly half the fish. “During 40 of the 55 years between 1915 and 1970, Lake Erie produced more fish for human consumption than the other four Great Lakes combined,” says Jeff Reutter, former Director of Ohio Sea Grant. He says Lake …

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Mar 26

Inspiring girls to explore and protect streams

To earn a patch, some Girl Scouts are pulling on waders and going fly-fishing. Jessica Kester of Allegheny Land Trust helped bring the Trout Unlimited ‘STREAM Girls’ program to western Pennsylvania. She says participants not only go fishing. They look for other aquatic life, and learn which species – such as mayflies – are sensitive …

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Mar 06

Grass carp putting down roots

There are extensive efforts underway to keep invasive Asian carp out of the Great Lakes. But one variety has already been popping up there for over 30 years. For decades, people have used sterilized grass carp to control pond vegetation. Over time, some of those fish have escaped to the Great Lakes. Because they could …

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Feb 26

Oil and water in the Straits of Mackinac

Every day, about 20 million gallons of oil travel through an underwater pipeline at the narrow passage that connects lakes Michigan and Huron. “There’s a lot of concern that this line could rupture,” says Mike Shriberg of the National Wildlife Federation, which helps organize the Great Lakes Business Network. It’s a coalition of more than …

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