

Mar 26

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Inspiring girls to explore and protect streams

STREAM girls on Fishing Creek (image credit Judi Sittler of Trout Unlimited)

To earn a patch, some Girl Scouts are pulling on waders and going fly-fishing.

Jessica Kester of Allegheny Land Trust helped bring the Trout Unlimited ‘STREAM Girls’ program to western Pennsylvania. She says participants not only go fishing. They look for other aquatic life, and learn which species – such as mayflies – are sensitive to pollution. If they find a lot…

Kester: “We know that we have clean water. And with clean water comes trout. And we take it all the way up through. If we need clean water to have fish, do we think that we need clean water to survive as humans?”

She says the program nurtures the girls’ love of nature.

Kester: “And that will help them make more conservation minded choices in the future.”

Hear Kester explain how the program inspires girls to explore science, technology, engineering and math:

Watch Stream Girls in action in this video from Trout Unlimited:

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/sustainable-fisheries/stream-girls/