
Author's details

Date registered: September 6, 2014

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  1. Multiplying Mussels Attack! — May 22, 2020
  2. Why We Should All Swoon for the Common Loon — May 21, 2020
  3. Great Lakes, Great Magic — May 20, 2020
  4. Native and Invasive Crayfish Square Off — May 19, 2020
  5. Crayons and Clean Water — May 18, 2020

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  1. Baby Beluga in the Deep Blue…River? — 1 comment

Author's posts listings

May 08

When Fertilizer “Leaks,” Water Pollution Peaks

Fertilizers can run off into streams and lakes, so, word to the wise—less is more. Listen up: You might think the more fertilizer on your garden, the better—but using too much may do more harm than good when it comes to clean water. This is in large part because nitrate in fertilizer can leach into water, …

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May 07

Holding the Invaders at Bay

On the lookout for invasive plants: When a new plant moves into a lake or stream, take note – it could be cause for concern. Sandra Keppner with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says that rapidly spreading invasive plants like water chestnut and hydrilla are causing big problems for New York waters. “We see …

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May 06

Invasive Grass Threatens Georgian Bay

Pulling Phragmites in Georgian Bay . . . Learn more: Wetlands in Ontario’s Georgian Bay are threatened by an invasive grass called phragmites that outcompetes many native species. “It actually can grow to about 18 feet tall and displace native plants from their aquatic habitat,” explains David Sweetnam of the nonprofit Georgian Bay Forever. He …

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May 05

See Sea Species in the Sea, Not the Lakes

Sea-faring ships, ballast water, and invasive species . . . Learn more: Ships use water as ballast to add weight and increase their stability. But that water can bring invasive species into the Great Lakes from elsewhere. “They’re bringing in all the stuff that’s in the water. So zooplankton, fish, plants, bacteria, diseases, all those …

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May 04

Save the Sewers, Catch Some Rain

A growing network of rain gardens . . . Learn more: A group of non-profits are mobilizing volunteers to install rain gardens in residential neighborhoods in Detroit. These specially designed gardens trap water before it can overwhelm the sewer system, and keep it from running across surfaces where it could pick up pollution and carry it …

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