

May 06

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Invasive Grass Threatens Georgian Bay

Pulling Phragmites in Georgian Bay . . . Learn more:

David Sweetnam amongst the phragmites (via David Sweetnam)

Wetlands in Ontario’s Georgian Bay are threatened by an invasive grass called phragmites that outcompetes many native species.

“It actually can grow to about 18 feet tall and displace native plants from their aquatic habitat,” explains David Sweetnam of the nonprofit Georgian Bay Forever.

He says in some areas, there are hundreds of phragmites plants per square meter.

“You have species that go between the water and the land like turtles, to lay their eggs. They can’t physically get through the stands of phragmites.”

So Sweetnam’s group is training volunteers to identify and remove the invasive plants by hand.

Get Schooled:

Hear More:

David Sweetnam discusses phragmites removal efforts:

Watch More:

Check out these Georgian Bay Forever volunteers tackling invasive phragmites.

 The fine print:

  • CurrentCast is produced in partnership with Cornell University’s Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. Learn more at http://www.currentcast.org.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/restoration-and-conservation-initiatives/invasive-grass-threatens-georgian-bay/