A group of trees lining a babbling brook does more than make an idyllic picture. “It filters out nutrients, it holds soil in place, it adds shade when the trees have canopy to streams, and controls water temperature,” says Alysha Trexler with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. She says excess fertilizer from farm fields, dirt from rural …
Tag Archive: riparian buffers
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/agricultural-runoff/riparian-buffers/
Dec 25
Planting Trees for Tribs
Trees and riverbanks make a great match in the great state of New York. Dig in: A New York state program called Trees for Tribs is behind an effort to plant 30,000 trees along the state’s rivers and streams this year. Statewide coordinator Sarah Walsh says trees and shrubs reduce erosion and stabilize stream banks—preventing …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/stormwater-management/trees-for-tribs/