What does GPS positioning have to do with farming? Plenty, when it comes to reducing water and fertilizer use—listen up: The Midwest is renowned for both its bountiful farms and its access to the Great Lakes. But the two are sometimes at odds, considering that excess fertilizer can run off fields and pollute water resources. …
Tag Archive: agriculture
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/stormwater-management/precision-agriculture/
Apr 17
Cover the Eco-Bases With Cover Crops
Farmers put covers on their fields—but not so they can sleep! Cover crops reduce erosion and improve water absorption. Dig in: You might think soil could use a rest between growing seasons. But leaving soil bare through winter makes it vulnerable to heavy rain and winds that cause erosion and wash nutrients out of the …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/agricultural-runoff/cover-the-eco-bases-with-cover-crops/
Dec 23
Healthy Streams for Healthy Herds
When farmers improve the health of streams on their land, it also improves the health of their herds. Listen up: Farm-lovers gather round, this one’s for you. Manure and fertilizer runoff from farms is a significant source of water pollution. But did you know that runoff can harm the health of the herd, too? “Water …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/agricultural-runoff/healthy-streams-healthy-herds/
Dec 10
Protecting the Fruit of One’s Labor
By putting their property in a land trust, fruit farmers can protect water quality—and in turn, their own crops. Listen up: It’s no coincidence that fruit farms flourish across the Great Lakes. And now, farmers are finding new ways to ensure they continue to do so. “The Lake Michigan fruit belt is a 200-mile stretch …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/stormwater-management/the-fruit-of-ones-labor/
Dec 09
Just Add Water
Once drained to make room for agriculture, two Illinois lakes have undergone a dramatic transformation. Listen up: Just add water? That was the recipe for success in Illinois’ Hennepin and Hopper Lakes, which used to be drained to make room for crops. Restoring these lakes to their natural state was an important undertaking. For one …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/location-profiles/just-add-water/