Shoveling frequently during storms and using just one entrance into your home can reduce the amount of pollution going into local water each winter. Transcript of the Audio Podcast: Preventing stormwater pollution in winter… on this CurrentCast. Salt, sand, chemical concoctions, and even fertilizers are used to melt ice and provide traction in wintry climates. …
Tag Archive: salt
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May 28
Hold the Salt, Please
Salting the roads to keep us safe during winter has long-lasting impacts on the environment. Listen up: Now that spring has arrived, salt-spreading plow trucks are a fading memory. But Todd Walter, director of the New York State Water Resources Institute, says salt that is washed off the roads stays in the soil for months. …
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Feb 28
Road Salt and Water
Salt keeps travelers safe, but it can harm fish and plant life when it washes into waterways. Transcript of the Audio Podcast: Road salt and water quality … on this CurrentCast. When old man winter comes to town, homeowners shovel and salt their driveways and sidewalks to keep surfaces from becoming slippery. Giant plows barrel …
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Sep 30
Why are the Oceans Salty?
Dissolved minerals from rocks on land wash down rivers and streams and into the ocean, where they build up over time. Transcript of the Audio Podcast: Why is the ocean salty?… on today’s CurrentCast. We’ve all come home with salty lips after spending a day at the beach. But where does this salt come from …
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