Driving on dirt roads kicks up dust that can make it hard to see and cause respiratory problems for people who live nearby. In some areas, a wastewater mix from oil and gas production is sprayed on dirt and gravel roads to suppress the dust. The wastewater is usually free. But it contains radium, which …
Tag Archive: dirt roads
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/toxic-contamination/take-me-home-country-roads/
Jan 01
Caring for the Roads Less Traveled
Over time, dirt roads can get pounded down and worn away, turning into gutters when it rains. Get the dirt on this: Dirt roads may be picturesque, but they muddy nearby waters if they’re not properly maintained. Pennsylvania has almost 20,000 miles of unpaved roads, and some have been around for 200 years. Over time, …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/stormwater-management/caring-for-the-roads-less-traveled/