

Jan 14

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Less is More, When it Comes to Runoff…

Cities are using green infrastructure to meet EPA clean water standards. Listen up:

Installing a green roof to manage stormwater can take the stress off aging infrastructure and create spaces of peaceful green amidst the grey. (via EPA)

Installing a green roof can take the stress off aging infrastructure and create spaces of peaceful green amidst the grey. (via US EPA)

Too much rain…and too many people using a lot of water can overwhelm aging stormwater systems. That can cause them to overflow and dump pollution into rivers.

Instead of rebuilding systems or adding bigger pipes, many cities are turning to green infrastructure to meet clean water standards. By creating green space where plants and soils can capture rainwater and runoff

Rousseau: “Less is being sent through the pipes and there’s less chance for overflows…”

That’s Katie Rousseau of the nonprofit American Rivers. She says rain gardens, storage ponds, and permeable pavement which treat stormwater at its source are a real solution, and cost less than fixing old systems.

Hear More:

Listen to Katie Rousseau describe the cost savings that green infrastructure provides.

Get Schooled:

The Fine Print:



Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/stormwater-management/less-is-more-when-it-comes-to-runoff/