Category Archive: Agricultural Runoff

Mar 17

Why the Clean Water Act Is a Hard Act to Follow

One law has led to a scrub-up of America’s waterways. Dive in to the many ways rivers, lakes, and coasts have since benefited: Forty-odd years ago, two-thirds of America’s rivers, lakes, and coastal waters were too polluted for swimming or fishing. When an oil slick on a Midwestern river caught fire, the public was fed …

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Mar 11

The Downlow on High Tech Farming

Farmers are getting smarter with smart technology that advances water and fertilizer strategy. Dig it: GPS tracking, drones, and other remote sensing devices aren’t just for techies—they’re all increasingly being used on large-scale farms to measure factors like soil moisture and nutrient levels. The practice, known as precision agriculture, allows farmers to fine-tune watering and …

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Mar 10

That Watershed Moment When You Realize…

…that water in the middle of the country eventually makes its way to the ocean. No, seriously. Listen up: You might think that people living in the middle of the United States are very removed from ocean issues, but the reality is their actions have far-reaching consequences. It’s an interconnected world, so water quality problems …

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Feb 27

Good fences make good water

Cows wading in a stream might make a pretty picture. But the reality is a lot less pleasant. Jinjun Kan is a microbiologist with Stroud Research Center. He’s been monitoring streams in the Delaware River Watershed for bacteria that are present as a result of fecal contamination. And he’s found high levels, especially in summer. …

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Feb 20

Bridging an urban-rural divide in the Midwest

When excess fertilizer or manure washes off farm fields, it can contaminate water that supplies nearby cities. But farmers may hesitate to change their ways because it can affect the bottom line. Using less fertilizer can reduce crop yields. And other solutions such as buffer strips may require taking land out of production. So the …

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