When you hear about water pollution, you probably think of chemicals—but soil and silt can harm rivers, too. Listen up: It might come as a surprise to think that something as natural as soil actually contributes to water pollution. But excess soil runoff, or sediment, can have a range of negative effects, from clouding water …
Tag Archive: rivers
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/stormwater-management/the-dirt-on-sediment-pollution/
Jun 10
Swimming in Sewage
Sorry to have to break this to you, but sewage overflows are a thing. Plug your nose, then listen up: Here’s the raw deal: Many communities have combined sewer systems (CSS) that can overflow during rainstorms—sending raw sewage into rivers and lakes. Not a pretty picture. “A lot of these older cities like Chicago, and …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/stormwater-management/combined-sewer-overflow/
Jun 04
Great Lakes Villains on the Move
Cue the scary music! If Asian carp barge into Lake Erie, Ohio’s tourism and travel industries are at stake. Listen up: Imagine 40-pound fish taking over a lake, and stealing food from smaller species. It may sound like a horror flick, but the threat of Asian carp is real—and breeding populations exist in rivers near the …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/water-and-recreation/villains-on-the-move/
Sep 06
Saving a Natural Water Filter: Mussels
Mussels have a bigger job than meets the eye. Listen up for the scoop on these clean water VIPs: They may not look like they’re up to much, but mussels actively filter contaminants along with their food, making them nature’s original water purifier. More than 300 types of mussels are native to North America. And …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/agricultural-runoff/saving-freshwater-mussels/
Oct 18
Small Streams: The Heart and Soul of Waterways
When it comes to water quality, size is definitely not everything. Listen up for the big impact of small streams: They may be little enough to hop, skip, and jump across, but even the smallest streams lead to healthier waterways. In fact, small streams are “the heart and soul” of the whole system, according to …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/toxic-contamination/small-streams-matter/