

Apr 30

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Not All Engineers Work In An Office

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Beaver dam (via Fungus Guy)

“Before European colonization, beavers would have been ubiquitous across the northern United States Great Lakes region,” explains Melinda Daniels of the Stroud Water Research Center in Pennsylvania.

She says in developed areas, beaver dams can be a nuisance, “but if there’s room, beavers are a great thing to reintroduce …”

Beaver dams filter sediment out of a stream. They create warm ponds that can become nurseries for some fish. And by dragging branches and leaves into the water, beavers add organic material to the ecosystem.

“Having that keystone species that plays such an important structuring role can really fast-track the restoration of a stream ecosystem,” Daniels states.


Get Schooled:

Hear More:

Uncover how beaver reintroduction can help rivers/streams with Melinda Daniels.

Watch More:

Learn more about the facts behind beaver dams from Mary O’Brien, Utah Forests Program Director.

 The fine print:

  • CurrentCast is produced in partnership with Cornell University’s Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. Learn more at http://www.currentcast.org.




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