

Mar 09

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Awesome Hotels Say Yes! to Saving Water

While many hotels are water hogs, WaterSense Hotels are checking-in for water savings. Listen up:

Help save water by staying in participating Hotels! (via EPA)

You might be turning off the tap while you brush in your room—but chances are the hotel itself isn’t as handy at saving water.

“Hotels and other lodging businesses account for about 15 percent of the water used in commercial and institutional facilities around the country,” comments Tara O’Hare of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

To help hotels turn the tide for conservation, the EPA launched the WaterSense Hotel Challenge, a program that provides best management practices and tools.

Some of the recommended techniques include checking the facility for leaks, using drought-resistant landscaping, establishing a towel and linen reuse program, and upgrading showerheads, faucets, and toilets to WaterSense-labeled fixtures.

The result is a win all around: By greening their practices, hotels will save green on their water bills. And water-loving guests may sleep better knowing their green is going to a like-minded hotel.

Tara O’Hare, USEPA Photo by Eric Vance


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Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/industrial-and-corporate-water-use/watersense-hotel-challenge/