

Dec 04

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In Land We Trust

How can protecting the land help protect water resources? Listen up as we count the trusted ways—

In a healthy watershed, the water passes through the land, which acts like a natural filter. So to protect water quality, it’s important to protect the land—and land trusts are one way to do it.

Photographic reminder that water and land are intricately connected. (via C. Ennis)

Photographic reminder that water and land are intricately connected. (via C. Ennis)

A binding legal agreement, a land trust permanently prevents development and can ensure any use of the property is sustainable.

Mike Carlson of Gathering Waters, Wisconsin’s Alliance for Land Trusts, says his group protects water quality in three key ways: “Protecting areas that are pristine and avoiding future degradation, or restoring degraded sites.”

Putting private or public land in a trust can be a simple and effective way to help protect water quality.

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.currentcast.org/agricultural-runoff/in-land-we-trust/