

Dec 31

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Migrating Birds Miss the Water

California’s drought has dried up wetlands,
putting migratory birds at risk.

Photo credit: Brocken Inaglory

Transcript of the Audio Podcast:

California’s drought takes a toll on migrating birds… on this CurrentCast.

Each winter, the skies over California’s Central Valley fill with birds.

Frisk: “Northern pintail, mallards, gadwall, pacific whitefront geese, Ross’s geese, snow geese. Also sandhill cranes and tundra swans…”

That’s Dan Frisk of the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge. He says the migrating birds winter over in the area’s seasonally flooded wetlands and post-harvest rice fields. But this year’s drought means much of the habitat is dry, and the birds are at risk for disease and predation as they crowd into smaller areas.

The situation could become even more dire if the drought extends into future years, so Frisk says it’s important to monitor the birds and learn from the experience.

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Learn More:

Photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

    1. Drought creates a series of problems for migratory birds, wildlife managers” from OrovilleMR News
    2. “Drought in California likely to Affect Migratory Birds” from American Birding Association
    3. “During Drought, Pop-Up Wetlands Give Birds a Break” from KQED




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