

Sep 08

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Enough Water to Go Around

Researchers believe water stress can be alleviated
by implementing a variety of strategies.

Photo credit: NOAA.gov

Transcript of the Audio Podcast:

Reducing water stress…on this CurrentCast.

When less than sixty percent of a region’s water supply is available for at-home use, that region is said to have water stress.

One in three people worldwide live with water stress, and that number is expected to be one in two by the end of the century. But Tom Gleeson, a hydrogeologist at McGill University, says that number can be reduced by implementing a variety of strategies such as building new infrastructure, increasing efficiency, and affecting social change.

Gleeson: “Our results do show that it is possible to either stabilize or reduce the number of people living with water stress. So that does give me hope for the future.”

Support for CurrentCast comes from the Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas. Learn more online at http://www.current-cast.org.

Learn More:

    1. “Reducing water scarcity possible by 2050” from ScienceDaily
    2. “Canadian Researchers Urge Tackling Global Water Stress” from Epoch Times
    3. “Wedge approach to water stress” from Nature Geoscience



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