Vassar College is one of many campuses to
ban bottled water in dining halls.
Transcript of the Audio Podcast:
College students put the cap on bottled water… on this CurrentCast.
Many schools are pulling the plug on bottled water. Vassar College students led the charge to have it removed from campus dining halls in 2012.
Campaign co-coordinator Allison Crook says the key was education.
Crook: “The first response I always hear from people when I’m talking about this issue is, well, I recycle it. And it’s like, yeah, recycling’s good and the plastic that goes into it is definitely a big part of why I don’t support the bottled water industry, but it’s really just such a small, small piece of the puzzle.”
So the club also highlighted the implications of private companies profiting from a public resource. Then they sold reusable bottles and suggested where to install drinking fountains – providing sustainable alternatives.
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Learn More:
- “Bottled Water Banned on Vassar’s Campus!” from the Vassar Greens
- Ban the Bottle Campaign
- “Newly Extinct Species on Campus: Bottled Water” from Humboldt State University