

Oct 29

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Safe Sanitation


More than two billion people around the world lack access to safe sanitation.

Image credit: The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance

Transcript of the Audio Podcast:

The need for safe sanitation… on this CurrentCast.

More than two-billion people around the world lack access to the safe sanitation that most Americans take for granted.

It’s a taboo topic, but one with huge social and public health implications. When excrement is not collected and treated, it can pollute drinking water and cause serious illness. Together with unclean water, it’s a leading cause of childhood mortality.

In addition to installing toilets that are connected to a sewer or septic system, possible solutions include composting toilets and pit latrines with slabs.

Government agencies and NGOs are leading campaigns around the world, since addressing safe sanitation also helps improve health and reduce poverty.

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