

Aug 28

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Water Quality Monitoring

Volunteers at the University of Rhode Island collect information used by researchers, educators, and others.

Photo By U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Transcript of the Audio Podcast:

Citizen scientists testing the waters…on this CurrentCast.

If you’re wondering what the volunteers at the University of Rhode Island’s Watershed Watch Program do, just ask Program Director Linda Green.

Green: “They’re measuring water temperature; they’re measuring water clarity; they’re measuring the oxygen level in the water. They’re filtering samples that we later analyze for the amount of algae, and they’re recording things as simple as what’s the weather like today?”

Volunteers receive both classroom and field training, and stay in close contact with the project office. Their reports are used by researchers, educators, watershed groups, and government agencies to track changes and target areas of pollution.

Program Director, Linda Green

Support for CurrentCast comes from the Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas. Learn more online at http://www.current-cast.org.

Learn More:

    1. URI Watershed Watch Program
    2. National Water Resource Program



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